This is my exra credit project that is a hand and wheel project. the middle part, the bowl, was made on the wheel. All the rest is coils i scored and slipped on. I glazed this project all with shadow green then wiped off except for in the cracks. After that i glazed it clear. This project stands 7 inches tall and 6 inches across. The dripping of the shadow green glaze looks really interesting. Since the middle part, the wheel part, makes an emphizes there, making it look exremly wide.
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This is my 3rd symmetrically themed project that i have done this semester. It's was made on the wheel and then altered by hand, by added and subtracting the lines on the outside of the project. It is all glazed with the clear glaze and there is blue glaze on all the lines. Having the lines go out on the lid and in on the base of the pot create more of a depth to the project.
This week was really about trying to finish up lots of the projects that weren't finished from earlier this semester, and really working on our themed essays. I started to glaze my big choice project. Played on the wheel a bit, but didn't make anything to cool. Really starting to think about my presentation for all my projects.

This is a hand and wheel project but I am using it for a choice. The base is all coils and the top is as well. The center part is a bowl thrown on the wheel. The bowl was originally going to be used for a multi-wheel project, that would have looked to same in shape, but changed my mind and turned it into a hand and wheel project.

This themed project is different from the other because instead of craving the surface, I have painted on the surface of the project, This project is 3 3/4 inches tall and 4 1/2 inches wide. This project has a very wide belly compared to the base. This project was painted on with colbalt blue stain and covered with clear glaze. On the other side there is the same design making it symmetrical; either side of the darkest part of the stain, the oval/eyelid shape is symmetrical on either side as well. on the inside there is the symmetrical lines around the inside of the lip. But also the is a circular pattern that is also symmetrical.

This is my hand and wheel project. I craved out circles under the blue glaze and below that are little wave like cravings, then there are slanted lines and holes inbetween those lines. This project is 2 3/4 inches tall and 4 3/4 inches wide. This is glazed Clear with a blue lip. The blue really makes the lip stand out from the rest of the project. This project has many different textures.

This is my multi-wheel project. It's 5 inches tall and 4 3/4 inches wide. It's glazed with shadow green all over the outside and inside the pedistool is white, just for something different. The small base makes the belly and lip of the project look wider, causing an illusion.

This project is drying and will soon be put in the kiln. the lid has symmetrical lines that comeoff the project. The base part of the project has symmetrical lines that are craved in.